Goodbye London, hello World.

Yep, that’s me there waving a friendly goodbye to London (I don’t know what came over me, I love London really) before setting off towards LA to prepare for our 11 month sail across the Pacific to Australia!!

Yaz and I will be updating the Bloggiest Bloggy Blog at marinas when we can get connection, which may not be very often, but subscribe to the blog on the right hand side of this post and get e-mail updates whenever we publish something so you don’t miss a thing.

In the mean time look out for posts from Hooper (currently in the South of France), Bamboo (who’s just got back from 5 weeks in the Maldives), Scott (who’s hitting New Zealand for 2 month in 3 weeks time), Lucy (currently backpacking in South America and writing this blog), Joe (who’s keeping a close eye on London) and Katie (who’ll soon be representing the Portsmouth scene).

You can aslo catch me on Facebook if you’re my friend, on Twitter, and on Skype if you’re so inclined… tomtomtomharvey

2 responses to “Goodbye London, hello World.

  1. Good luck broski! see ya when you get back!!!!!

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